Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Change. Interesting topic. Interesting enough to get a black man elected to the Presidency of the United States. Regardless of how - or if - you voted it is to be marveled at.

Now here is the do we go incite the changes that President Obama will invite? He and his administration will likely shake up Washington a bit - our imperative is to shake up the country - perhaps the world. We cannot sit idly by and watch "them" do the work. The changes that must be made in our collective psyche need to be broad and sweeping. It is time that we work as a nation to move beyond the place where we have been mired. Preachy? A little maybe - and I am really going to try to not be preachy in this - but I think that we are in a position that we have never been in before and we are poised to make real and significant changes - and I'm not talking about a new tax break or a slight tweak to the partisanship that has ripped through Washington and the country.

We need to take a look at the world around us and examine what we are doing, and what we can do differently.

So here's the real deal. What are YOU passionate about? Who do you know that shares your ideals and your dreams. One person. Then two. Then four. It builds - and it builds fast. So in the words of Nike: Just do it. I am - this blog is the beginning of it. I have no idea where this is going to end up, but I know that I need to move. The best way that I know to make a difference is by convincing people that they can make a difference.

So there it is. DO SOMETHING. I have to quit now, or this is going to become 30 pages long...and maybe someday, but not yet.

See you tomorrow.

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