Monday, November 24, 2008

Cradle to Cradle

Did you know that Shaw carpet mills have developed a carpeting that is totally recyclable? Here's the you know what they make out of the old carpeting? New Carpeting. How cool is THAT. This is a true cradle-to-cradle cycle. It is actually making waste obsolete. What if, as we look to the future of innovation, we see cradle to cradle. Companies that take full responsibility for not only the creation of their products, but of the product at the end of its useful life. One of the arguments that I have heard (yes, even here in Boulder) against hybrid vehicle technology is "what do we do with the batteries when they cease to function." Reduce, reuse, recycle on the consumer level is great - but as current and future entrepreneurs, we need to consider the impact of that which we create.

Take a lesson from Shaw.

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